Saturday, February 26, 2011

Balancing the brain and the body..............

I have been down this road so many times.  I have read books, rented DVD's, taken classes, joined support groups, taken pills, cleansed, starved, reasearched the web.  I have listened to "experts" tell me what I should do, try this, try that. BUY this, BUY that. All promising me the quick fix, the holy grail of fitness.

I am almost 45 (in a few months) I have struggled with my weight all of my adult life.  But as I reflect back, it was so many things that I let fill my head as I grew up the I have drug around all of my life.
Your family is big boned, ALL of the women are bigger.
If you just lost some weight, you would be so pretty. You have a pretty face.
Maybe if you lost some weight you could get married.WTH?
You will never be small. You have a big butt.  You would be perfect if you lost some weight.
My head as been polluted with this crap most of my life.  I have dieted and worked out and lost the same weight over and over.

Getting my head straight is MY biggest challenge, I am worth it, I deserve it, I can do it.
It has been so hard for me to "get " that part. Doing it for myself, I know. Choosing to do it.

I joined the gym last week, laced up my shoes and hopped on the treadmill. I am ready, I have pumped up myself.  After 4 days of running 3 miles each day,  way too much for not working out in over 2 years I hurt my knee. So now I am nursing an sore knee. My mind is ready and my body says WOHA!

So I take this opportunity to write my blog, clean out the kitchen, focus on the correct foods I need in my kitchen.   This is about me.  Slow down, think the process through. THINK about my choices and make a firm plan.  Yes I know what to do... I am 45, not 25. Ease into this carefully.
I have the time, I have the knowledge. Don't let anyone tell me I can't.  Focus on the positive. Fill my mind with the driven, positive energy, not the B.S.  Surround myself with the right people.

                                    ~Strive for correction first~ NOT perfection~

Finding my innner peace, my inner stregnth, my inner kickass. Balancing that with my outer stregnth, kicking some ass.  It will not be easy, it will not be perfect.  I will struggle. But I need to find the balance between my body and my head.  I realize that has been my biggest challenge my entire life. 

                                             This is my show, my life, my decision, my future.

So leave the past in the past.  It has brought me where I am today, but can not be changed.  Don't relive it.  Look to the future, but stay present to the moment, for that is where my BEST work will be done.  TODAY..............

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